Mia Hall is an Atlanta based ceramicist.  Growing up in a family with a history of creativity, it was no surprise when she chose to pursue a fine art degree in ceramics at the University of Georgia.  Since graduating, she has kept her hands in clay in one form or another, furthering her work and expanding her understanding of her materials.  Today, you can find her back close to home, making pots and building sculptural work at Art Center West in Roswell, GA.


Mia’s passion for time spent outdoors and her deep appreciation for the earth and its beautiful, slow processes has made clay an irresistible medium to dig her hands into.  Mia thinks of her work as the end products of a beautiful process; a controlled, linear, microcosm of the many natural processes of the earth.  Heat and pressure, erosion and accumulation, flooding and drying.  Clay, water, mineral slip, gas, and fire. Keeping her mediums and process as true to the earth as possible connects her to her surroundings.  She hopes that her work invites her viewers to slow down in their daily rituals, to connect with the materials they see and feel, and to savor the environments around them.